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Effective Ways to Grow Your Twitter Followers

Twitter is a great tool that businesses use to show customers and potential clients about their company and what they do. Here are 5 great ways to grow your Twitter following.

1. When using Twitter, it is important to show your personality within your account. A good way to do would be to have a bio that summarising your interests and what you are involved with. Don’t forget to use hashtags in your bio so people will find your bio when searching certain hashtags. When retweeting an article, it can be effective to tweet a quote with it that you find interesting or important. Using an actual photo of you can also help you seem more personable, rather than using your company logo or a meme you find funny.

2. It is important to consider when you are posting your tweets. According to, the optimal time to tweet is during a weekday at 12pm-3pm and 5pm-6pm. However, this does depend on your audience because it is important to consider what niche you are trying to hit. Using a content calendar like Hootsuite can also help with scheduling times to tweet, and figuring out what works best for you.

3. An Easy way to gain followers is to interact with your followers, especially your most loyal followers. Liking or retweeting other user’s content increases the chances of them liking or retweeting your content. When your content is retweeted by others, your posts can be seen by people who do not follow you, and your account can grow organically through that.

4. Use hashtags in your posts. Hashtags are a great way for your content to get more views and allow content to be seen by Twitter users that would have not seen them without it.

5. Tweet out pictures and videos because these are more likely to be clicked on and engaged with than a regular tweet.